About the author

Jody Norman

I'm an award-winning author who loves thresholds, and portals, and passing through them.&nbsp; Places where you're not quite here and not quite there.&nbsp; Or in other words, liminal spaces.&nbsp; To me, this is where potential and opportunity wait for the unwary passersby, and I really enjoy placing my characters in these places and seeing them revealed for who they truly are and can be.<br><br>Nature and myself have an intimate relationship, and it's key to all my writing, running through my novels like the fractal veins of a watershed.&nbsp; And since I believe that nature includes our place in the universe, astronomy and quantum physics and cosmology inform the structure of my fantasy worlds.<br><br>I've taught English to high-schoolers, citizenship to immigrants, sustainability to college students.&nbsp; I fell in love with cities and all that they could be in my masters degree in city and regional planning, and I've written articles for publications as varied as <em>Dog Fancy</em> and <em>Colorado Gardener</em> and <em>Graduating Engineer and Computer Careers</em>.<br><br>I have an almost 40-year love relationship with my same sex partner, and together we've moved in eight-year cycles from Tucson, Arizona, to Boulder and Denver, Colorado, to Atlanta, Georgia, and finally to Silver City, New Mexico, a small town in Southwest New Mexico with an exciting history and a diverse culture that creates a writer's mecca with local coffee shops, lots of art of all types, and a wonderful downtown.<br><br>Please check out my website https://jody-norman.com/, where you can download the first 5 chapters of New Trails for free.<br>