About the author

Paul J Sky

<p>Paul J Sky is an American author who writes books ranging from science fiction to thrillers and non-fiction advisory stories. He grew up in the south and has a wide range of experience in the world.&#160; He&#8217;s an entrepreneur and has a wide range of businesses that he owns and manages.&#160; He writes in his free time and writes by &#8216;playing the movie in his mind&#8217;.&#160; Everything you read of his is a product of him watching the not-so-live action version in his imagination. &#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>He is a dog lover, and owns a beautiful husky-Shepherd named Bella.&#160; He is a lover of knowledge and constantly seeks to learn new abilities and skills. &#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>For more information, visit PaulJSky.com</p>