About the author

Edward M. Erdelac

<p>Edward M. Erdelac was born in Indiana, educated in Chicago, and now resides in the Los Angeles area with his lovely wife and a bona fide slew of kids and cats. His fiction appears in <em>DEADCORE, After Death, Corrupts Absolutely, Slices Of Flesh, Atomic Age Cthulhu</em>, and <em>Danse Macabre,</em> among others. He is the author of the acclaimed Judeocentric/Lovecraftian weird western series <em>Merkabah Rider</em>, a coming of age western, <em>Buff Tea</em>, and the compiler of the first of Professor Abraham Van Helsing&#8217;s heretofore unpublished journals, <em>Terovolas</em>.&#160; An award winning screenwriter and an independent filmmaker, he also wrote the definitive story about boxing in a galaxy far far away for Lucasfilm&#8217;s <em>Star Wars</em> franchise.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>News about his work, both extant and forthcoming, can be read at his blog, Delirium Tremens, at http://emerdelac.wordpress.com.&#160; He can also be found on Facebook if you deign to seek him there.</p>