About the author

M. D. Archer

<strong>Lover of psychology, complicated people, and mysteries (...is there a theme here?). </strong><br>​​​​​​​ <br> Growing up, I never thought I was an academic type. My older sister was the ‘brainy’ one, my younger brother was the ‘sporty’ one and I was a classic middle child and the ‘theatrical’ one (I still am, sometimes). And I wasn’t particularly interested in school… until I found psychology. <br>​​​​​​​ <br> Still, I laboured through a business degree then left little ‘ole New Zealand to travel. After a stint in London, I moved to Toronto (I’m half Canadian) and that’s where I discovered psychology and realised I am a big nerd after all. <br>​​​​​​​ <br> When I came back to NZ, I embarked on a Master’s degree in psychology and then a PhD. And don’t tell my supervisor, but it was halfway through my PhD that I started writing fiction. Eight years later, I haven’t been able to stop. <br>​​​​​​​ <br> Now I live in Auckland, New Zealand, writing part-time while continuing my work in psychology research. <br> Toronto will always feel like my second home, and I will never stop thinking human beings are fascinating. <br> Which brings me back to my original point. <br>​​​​​​​ <br> <strong>I love mysteries. </strong><br>​​​​​​​ <br> My books cross a few genres, but they all have elements of mystery, crime and psychology, and they explore the relationships between people. <br>​​​​​​​ <br> Follow me on twitter (@mda_008) or sign up to my mailing list for new release and sale information (email mdaauthor@gmail.com ). Don’t worry, I will not spam you – I am NOT a newsletter writer. <br><br>Cheers, Margot<br>