About the author

M.L. Devereaux

Market researcher by day, author by night, M.L Devereaux is the author of the urban fantasy books Demon Master, Demon King and Demon Queen that, together, form the Summoner Trilogy. With King of Death and Desire she has set her first steps onto the path of the paranormal romance genre,&nbsp; a path she intends to explore further.<br>​​​​​​​<br>When her Dutch book 'Bezwering' (written under a different pen name) was selected not by one, but two publishers, it was a dream come true. After first finishing the trilogy in Dutch, she has now moved on to writing in English. Having spent a year in the US as an exchange student, and with a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics (in both English and Russian) English often feels more like her mother tongue than Dutch does.<br>​​​​​​​<br>When not working on her latest novel, you may be spot her in a nearby gym, out at a restaurant (hence the gym time), or at the movies. She lives in Belgium with her husband and stepsons.