About the author

Brenda Colbath

<p>Creating worlds, characters, and wielding power like a mad woman, making my characters happy, sad, angry, and some of them with no redeeming qualities.&nbsp; I probably shouldn&rsquo;t admit this, but I sometimes laugh out loud when I am writing a scene, and I have been known to cry when one of my favorites has to die.&nbsp; I am a left-handed Gemini, what do you expect?<br /> Reading bedtime stories to my two children until they fell asleep, making up wild stories for my grandchild, and creating Halloween costumes from Cowboys to a Dragon, was my pleasure.<br /> In between reading thousands of books; I wrote yearly newsletters that frequently were drafted third-person by my Love Birds, Miranda our motorhome, and by Sir Fit the White Knight Honda.<br /> Throughout the years, some of my creative talents centered around creating Halloween costumes, writing letters of complaint expressing my displeasure with services or products.&nbsp; One crucial note to our local school bus driver petitioning her to allow our son back on the bus when he was kicked off for making an obscene gesture at his buddy. I reminded her that it was not directed at her, and that &ldquo;obscenity can be in the eye of the beholder,&rdquo; kids use that gesture as a greeting.&nbsp; He rode the bus until he graduated.<br /> Driving my English teacher crazy, by always leaving a &ldquo;continued&rdquo; at the end of the story, he was one of many people that told me to &ldquo;do something about my writing.&rdquo;<br /> Many of my characters resemble people I have met while of traveling around the country, and the stories germinate from my fertile imagination.&nbsp; Many authors show bios of an impressive college degree; I graduated from the School of Hard Knocks at the top of my class.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> After 30 years, in the trenches as a Real Estate Professional, I have found truth is stranger than fiction.&nbsp;&nbsp; I loved Real Estate and earned the respect of my colleagues and my clients, possibly because of my motto &ldquo;Do the right thing, because it is right.&rdquo;<br /> Fifty-eight years of marriage to the love of my life and partner-produced two exceptionally talented children, and one grandchild who is our pride and joy.<br /> &nbsp;</p>