<p>Jeanie Martin lives in Tacoma, Washington. She has a daughter, and soon-to-be son-in-law, and spends her nights driving in circles.</p><p>Her interests include reading, languages (especially ASL and Irish) and listening to the music of Celtic Thunder (Thunderheads!), Ryan Kelly, Neil Byrne, Colm Keegan, Emmet Cahill, and Josh Groban. She has been taking classes in Irish, Irish History, and Music Theory from Colm, through his CKonLine Teaching website. She highly recommends his classes.</p><p><strong>Facebook</strong>: www.facebook.com/jmartinstories</p><p><strong>Twitter:</strong> m_jeanie11</p><p><strong>Instagram:</strong> Jeanie.martin.714</p><p><strong>Email:</strong> jmartinstories@gmail.com</p>