About the author

Schalk Holloway

<p><strong>Quick Introduction:</strong></p><p>Schalk is a published author, lay minister, and retired special operations response team leader with 18 years experience running interventions in at-risk communities and 7 years experience executing urban tactical and intelligence based operations.</p><p><strong>Detailed Bio:</strong></p><p>Schalk Holloway is a subject literature author in the fields of Christian ministry, as well as professional firearms and combatives instruction. His first book, 'Die Groot Storie', was traditionally published by Struik Christian Media (the preeminent publisher for Christian books in South Africa) and can be found on the shelves of most South African chain bookstores. His second treatment, 'The Maul Book' (co-authored by Gavin Coleman), has been widely acclaimed as one of the best books on its subject field. 'The Maul Book' as well as the 'Schalk's Little Book Series' can be ordered from most major online distributors.</p><p>In 2022 Schalk suffered a severe injury leading to multiple surgeries and a long period of recovery. Subsequently, he retired from certain instructional and operational environments. He is now enjoying an independent career as novelist. His first novels, 'The Brooklyn Saga', are a crossover between psychological thriller and realistic fiction. These books draw inspiration from his extensive experience running interventions and operations in at-risk communities. Schalk is currently working on more titles for his 'Little Book Series' as well as an exciting new hard and military science fiction series, 'The Posterity Doctrine'.</p><p>Neurodivergence and (C/)PTSD themes feature strongly in in all Schalk's tales.</p>