About the author

Vidal Hernández

<p>Hi, I&#8217;m Vidal Hern&#225;ndez, also known by my pen name Sosin, and I&#8217;m from M&#233;xico.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>I&#8217;m a new writer giving my best to create captivating stories. From romance to magic, sadness to happiness, anger to peace, anything that I think will make for a great tale, which you deserve.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>My hobby has been programming since I was ten and it became a full-time job a few years ago. However, it made me see that I had always thought of myself as a non-creative person. I tried drawing and playing instruments, but gave up before I could accomplish something. So, a few months after that, my perception of everything changed and I decided to try new, perhaps more thrilling, things. I wrote the story I&#8217;ve had in mind for years and it opened my mind to a whole new dimension of possibilities that I thought were impossible for me.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>Here I am a couple of years later and I will continue to improve my skills for years to come.</p>