About the author

C.P. Sharpe

C.P. Sharpe has been writing (what he calls) humour from a young age (well, about nineteen, which, considering he's now pushing fifty, can now be considered 'a young age').<br><br>​​​​​​​After thirty-odd years of making a valiant effort at joke and sketch-writing, short stories, novels, stand-up comedy, various parodies, videos, songs and articles, he is now looking at re-formatting all that material into ebooks...mostly because he's only recently figured out that he can.&nbsp;<br><br>So far, titles include 'Days of Our Lies', 'Antidote to Road Rage' and 'Break the Bullying Code'. He is currently bashing away at the&nbsp;follow-up (he doesn't actually bash anything; he’s fairly civilised).&nbsp;<br><br>Another title: 'Unspeakable!' is available as a free download when you sign up for his monthly newsletter (visit www.cpsharpe.com if you’d like to know more about that). He also hopes to find a better profile photo for this Author Bio, and not just his website logo (although you must admit that it is quite likeable.)&nbsp;<br><br>Thank you for showing an interest. Frankly, that’s as much as he can hope for. CP wants you to get as much of a kick out of his content as he does. (He won’t actually kick you. That would involve standing up. Perhaps an appreciative raised eyebrow.)