About the author

Belinda Stott

<p>Belinda Stott is a novelist, counselor and international speaker. With her husband Matt, she runs a course called Soul Tour which combines psychology, philosophy and theology to help young adults better understand their own mind, emotions and behavior.&#160;</p><p></p><p>A prolific traveler (81 countries and counting), Belinda reads obsessively, loves fairs, Jacuzzis, castles and feisty heroines, and watches movies which inspire her to create high-stakes stories that visit other worlds and kingdoms. She is particularly passionate about sagas that bypass the mundane to explore what God and life are really all about, describing her style as a blend of spy stories like&#160;<em>24</em>,&#160;<em>Alias&#160;</em>and the&#160;<em>Bourne&#160;</em>novels, with a sprinkle of&#160;<em>Narnia&#160;</em>and the intensity of a&#160;<em>Ted Dekker&#160;</em>novel.</p><p></p><p>Belinda lives in Christchurch, New Zealand with Matt and their two&#160;creative, adventurous kids, Jasper and Scarlett, (who cameo in&#160;<em>Kainnan: The Uncovering</em>).&#160;</p><p></p><p>Find out more about Kainnan and Belinda's upcoming, cult-based trilogy at Belindastott.com.</p>