About the author

Brian Herald

<p>All great entertainment is based on a great story. And that's what I have has set out to do. With the "Adventures of Nino and Tenna" children's book series, I am capturing the stories my sons tell, and sharing them with everybody. These stories aim to entertain and remind us of the fun things we all did as children using exploration, curiosity, and creativity!<br/> <br/> I live just north of Boston, Massachusetts. I've been writing professionally for more than 15 years, mostly instructional and educational materials, and am now proud to bring to the world this fun adventure series.<br/> <br/> Join my email list to learn learn about new releases and receive early editions: www.heraldandsons.com/emaillist.<br/> <br/> Follow along on the socials: @heraldandsons (FB, IG, Twitter)<br/> For video content, search YouTube for: Herald and Sons Publishing</p>