About the author

Linda Gordon Hengerer

<p><strong>Linda Gordon Hengerer</strong> is the author of the Beach Tea Shop mystery series, and several non-fiction books on football, how to fold fitted sheets, and wine pairings. 2019 releases include the first Beach Tea Shop novel, <strong><em>Dying for Tea Time</em></strong>, and <strong><em>Death Dances a Tango</em></strong>, the first novel in the new Death Dances Ballroom Dance Mystery series.<br>​​​​​​​<br></p><p>A New Jersey native transplanted to Florida, she enjoys winters with sun and sand instead of snow and freezing temperatures. Many years of working in corporate America have made her grateful for her writing time.<br>​​​​​​​<br></p><p>Visit her at <strong>LindaGordonHengerer.com</strong> to find out about new releases. Subscribe to her newsletter with your name and email address on the <strong>For Readers </strong>tab, and get two recipes after you confirm your email address. You’ll also get exclusive content and sneak peeks at what she’s working on.</p>