About the author

Frances Duncan

Author, Austenite, Life Coach<br>&nbsp;<br>Frances (she/they) writes Austen-inspired fiction, offers Austen-inspired Life Coaching, hosts The Amateur Austenite Podcast and founded the Jane Austen Society of Aotearoa New Zealand. (Obsessive, much?)<br>&nbsp;<br>Based near the capital Frances can often be found at local theatre productions or online discussing Jane Austen and her novels with fans around the world.<br>&nbsp;<br>A newspaper article quoted Frances on Jane Austen saying she's "a snarky b*tch and I love that about her."<br>​​​​​​​<br>Frances has pieces included in the anthologies&nbsp;<em>Cocktails with Miss Austen&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Huia Short Stories 14</em>​​​​​​​.