About the author

J.M. Rutherford

J.M. Rutherford creates things: Art, stories, messes, and whatever else she feels like. She was once the quiet kid in the back of the classroom. Most people just didn’t know what to do with her, so she was left to read, draw, and grow up a little like a weed…or maybe a wildflower.<br><br>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Surrounded by Illinois cornfields and open horizons, she often lived a bit too much in the inner world of her imagination. To this day, she is still rather backwards according to some. She finds there’s not a thing wrong with that. She holds a Master of Fine Art in painting, and is often making art, some of which has been called odd, or even disturbing.&nbsp;<br>​​​​​​​<br>​​​​​​​Her writing, art, and self are subject to constant self-criticism in an effort to continually improve.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Fearfully UnMade</em>&nbsp;is her first finished novel. Others float around in various stages of completion or as vague impressions in her head. At present, J.M. Rutherford still lives in Illinois, though she is no longer quite so close to the corn. She is raising her highly creative daughter as they sip tea, create, and do the best they can.<br>