About the author

Dr. Augustine Pamplany

<p>Dr. Augustine Pamplany CST is the Founder-director of the Institute of Science and Religion, Cochin, India. He holds Ph.D in Philosophy of Science from International University, Colombo, and, in Bioethics from Dublin City University, Ireland. He lectures in Philosophy of Science, Science and Religion and Bioethics at various institutions in India and abroad. He is the Managing Editor and Publisher of <em>Omega &ndash; Indian Journal of Science and Religion</em>. He is author of&nbsp; nine books and has published seven books and several scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is a recipient of various awards including the Science-Religion Course Award from the Centre for Theology and Natural Sciences, Berkeley; Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality Award from the Interdisciplinary University, Paris; Erasmus Mundus Fellowship from Leuven, Belgium; Radboud University, The Netherlands; and the University of Padua, Italy. He is a member of UNESCO forum teachers in Bioethics. He has presented papers in many international conferences on science and religion in India and abroad.</p>