About the author

Montse Hurtado Cancini

FROM VERY EARLY in my life, I have dedicated myself to exploring the principles that govern the wonderful human psyche, the intangible flow of its energy between rationality and irrationality, its earthiness and its transcendence.<br><br>In this path, my intention has always been focused on discovering fertile ways to facilitate integral health and well-being, which progressively lead to the fullness and fulfillment of each being.<br><br>And it is precisely on this path that I increasingly understand and strengthen my conviction that learning to connect inwardly and know ourselves offers us the most valid and precise keys to many of the issues that concern us in our lives. On these bases I lay the 4 keys of my approach, which I explain in detail in my Blog: https://citaconmontse.blogspot.com/ and in the Introduction of the books of my series Inner Connection and Inner Connection in 8 Steps (available here at Smashwords and on other platforms).<br><br>So I have decided to share with you the immense variety of experiences and resources that I have integrated throughout my 28 years of service as a facilitator, Psychologist and Integral Psychotherapist. Likewise, I offer you my books, sessions and courses, in various areas of support for your psychological health, expansion of consciousness, well-being and personal / spiritual development.<br><br>Professionalism, companionship, empathy, creativity and dedication, are values that guide our sharing in the various environments of my work, from the respect that every noble human being inspires us.<br><br>I invite you to be part of our community, which I wish and hope will become a fertile point of convergence of our diverse perspectives, growing together, from mutual support, benefit and well-being... contributing integration initiatives to our world, connected from our constructive differences, freedom of being, tolerance and mutual respect.<br><br>Visit me, check my publications, contact me: I am at your disposal 😊