About the author

Jon Nelsen

<p><strong>Jon Nelsen has garnered national attention for&#160;helping actual people in real industries have a voice. After studying both Finance and Psychology at Liberty University, he turned his attention to writing. He crafts&#160;interview style books that give the reader an unvarnished behind-the-scenes view&#160;and practical subject knowledge.&#160;</strong></p>&#13; &#13; <p><strong>When he is not writing in his favorite Parisian coffee shop, Nelsen spends most of his time reading, cooking, traveling the world, and catching his favorite shows at the theatre.</strong></p>&#13; &#13; <p><strong>Just kidding, he lives in the backwoods of Pennsylvania and has an infant son... He spends his days watching cartoons and his evenings in a cramped writing office!</strong></p>&#13; &#13; <p/>&#13; &#13; <p><strong>Enjoy the book and please continue to support indie authors and publishers!</strong></p>