About the author

Dongwei Chu

<p><em>Chinese Literature and Culture</em> as a book series and peer-reviewed academic journal is edited by Dr. Chu&nbsp;Dongwei, &nbsp;Fulbright Scholar,&nbsp;Professor of Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China. Chu has published&nbsp;<em><em>Lin Yutang as Author-Translator</em></em>&nbsp;(2012),&nbsp;<em><em>Trans</em></em><em><em>l</em></em><em><em>ation as a Business</em></em>&nbsp;(2003), Chinese translation of Will Durant&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em><em>On the Meaning of Life</em></em>&nbsp;(2009), and English translation of <em>The Platform Sutra</em> and other Zen Buddhist texts in <em><em>The W</em></em><em><em>isdom of Huineng</em></em><em>&nbsp;</em>(2015).&nbsp;He is the founder, editor and publisher of <em><em>Chinese Literature and Culture</em></em>, the peer-reviewed journal of translations from the Chinese in collaboration with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou Zilin Cultural Development Limited and IntLingo Inc., New York. He is also a contributor of short story translations to <em><em>St. Petersburg Review</em></em>, <em><em>Renditions.</em></em></p>