About the author

Melinda T Deir-Boyette

<p>Melinda Deir-Boyette, a native of beautiful Jamaica, is a wife and mom first, but she counts it her greatest privilege to proclaim the good news that Jesus Christ saves and that he loves all his children. Her good sense of humor and biblically grounded knowledge allows her to share with both believers and non-believers.<br/> <br/> Melinda is an author, entrepreneur, and visionary. She and her husband operate their family business, leasing several homes they own. Melinda is a state employee, a notary public, a licensed and ordained minister, and the CEO of Deir to Dream, LLC.<br/> <br/> It gives Melinda great joy to feed her family, so most evenings Melinda can be found in the kitchen preparing meals for her husband and their two sons. Melinda and her family reside in the serene &#8220;City of Oaks&#8221; Raleigh, North Carolina.</p>