Also by Heather Slade...

Agents of Military Intelligence Section 6

Butler Ranch

Cowboys of Crested Butte

K19 Allied Intelligence

K19 Allied Intelligence Team 2

K19 Security Solutions

K19 Shadow Operations

K19 Shadow Operations Team Two

Military Intelligence Section 6

Protectors Undercover

Roaring Fork Ranch

The Invincibles

The Royal Agents of MI6

The Wicked Winemakers' Ball


Unstoppables Team One

Wicked Winemakers

Wicked Winemakers Second Label

About the author

Heather Slade

My books are filled with things that bring me joy: music, wine, skiing, families, artists, and cowboys. Not always in that order. 

I’m an Amazon best-selling author, and a PAN member of Romance Writers of America. I speak, teach, blog, am an executive sommelier, and all-around entrepreneur. 

I grew up an east coast girl, and then spent half my life on the west coast. Now my husband, our two boys, and I happily call Colorado home.