About the author

R T Green

<p>I guess if it came down to summing up my work in one sentence, Kate Winslet said it best...</p><p><em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></em><em>&ldquo;You don&rsquo;t choose who you fall in love with, do you?&rdquo;</em></p><p>Those words are oh so true. I write love stories, but always with a hint of the unusual. Ok, perhaps more than a hint, much of the time! I weave those love stories into plots that are often many-layered, which I try to craft into good storytelling. I like to create something different, so you will never find a regular romance novel on my shelf&hellip; and quite frankly, there are a whole lot of brilliant writers out there who do that kind of thing way better than I would.</p><p>So if you enjoy a love story with an equally-important fast-paced (and often epic!) plot wrapped around it, then my books may appeal to you. If you&rsquo;re unsure, well&hellip; all I can ask is you give me a try. I may just surprise you!</p><p>Check me out at rtgreen.net</p>