About the author

Kathie Costos

"Kathie Costos did some excellent research into the Salem Witch Trials, which will help spark readers’ memories on the tragic events that occurred during the Puritanical days of the USA. What’s more, her writing draws readers into the story so vigorously that even someone who has never been to Salem can get a sense of the area and its rich history.<br>Readers will also appreciate the tragic characters that Kathie Costos crafted. Each character has a backstory, a darkness that surrounds them. They try to get rid of that lingering shadow, yes, but it’s always there. This, paired with the author’s atmospheric writing, turns&nbsp;<em>The Scribe of Salem&nbsp;</em>into an almost modern-gothic novel that is in the same vein as Edgar Allan Poe’s works." BookTrib review<br><br>THE SCRIBE OF SALEM IS BOOK ONE<br>THE VISIONARY OF SALEM IS BOOK TWO<br>13TH MINISTER OF SALEM IS BOOK THREE<br>Kathie lives in New Hampshire with her second husband of over three decades, and their dog Murray.<br>Other books are For The Love Of Jack, The Warrior SAW, Residual War,<br>Websites; Wounded Times and PTSD Patrol<br><br>If you read a book in The Ministers Of The Mystery Series, please let me know which one and what you think. I am working on the fourth book and want to know what you'd like to see more of and less of.