About the author

Wendy MacKenzie Pease

Wendy Pease is the owner and president of Rapport International, a translation and interpretation services company specializing in marketing translation. Throughout her career, she has worked with hundreds of companies to help them communicate across more than 200 languages and cultures.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>​​​​​​​ <br> Wendy is a frequent speaker, writer, blogger, trainer, advisor, and master networker. She hosts the Global Marketing Show podcast, which features experts on opportunities and challenges in increasing multilingual lead gen and revenue. She also leads a global speed networking group, moderates the Boston chapter of Soft Land Partners, and hosts a weekly Clubhouse room on Global Business.<br>​​​​​​​ <br> Wendy’s passionate about connecting people across languages and cultures. She lived in Mexico, Taiwan, and the Philippines, where she fell in love with the richness of international cultures and came to understand that we are all human, no matter the language we speak. Learn more at&nbsp;www.wendypease.com&nbsp;