About the author

Lorraine Turnbull

<strong>Lorraine Turnbull</strong> <strong>wanted to be a farmer since she was five years old.&nbsp; After running a successful gardening business in Glasgow, Scotland, she uprooted herself and her family and moved to a run-down agriculturally tied bungalow in Cornwall.&nbsp; She retrained as a land-based tutor and taught horticulture at both adult &amp; further education level, whilst running a one acre smallholding.&nbsp; After working as a Skills Co-ordinator for The Rural Business School, she started a profitable small craft cider business. <br> In 2014 she was recognised for her contribution to sustainable living by winning the Cornwall Sustainability Awards Best Individual category. </strong>&nbsp;<strong>After successfully removing the Agricultural Occupancy Condition on her home she relocated to France; where unsurprisingly, she continues to run a smallholding, when not writing.&nbsp;<br> She currently has 3 books published and is writing no 4 &amp; 5. Her hobbies include gardening and photography.</strong>