Roy Minet's college major was pure physics, but his first job was in engineering with a large multi-national corporation. Following that were positions in sales, then marketing management and finally management of a strategic business planning group, all for the same corporation. Moving into small business, he bought and operated a beer distributorship for 12 years before selling it. While distributing (and perhaps drinking) beer, he founded Intelligent Computer Systems, Inc., which pioneered comprehensive, integrated, real-time business software and installed turnkey computer systems for distribution businesses nationwide. After 22 years, ICS was sold to the 3M Corporation. Mr. Minet is now retired and pursuing a backlog of personal projects; most notably, improving all aspects of elections. He also has taught economics in 11th and 12th grades with the Junior Achievement program. Approximately 40 of his op-ed columns have been published. Mr. Minet was the Libertarian Party's candidate for Pennsylvania Auditor General in 2016.<br>