About the author

Tom Dole

<p>Tom Dole is a Christian, a husband, a father, and a grandfather.&nbsp; An enthusiastic Christian for over 50 years, Tom has&nbsp; served on church staff, in children&rsquo;s ministry, missions, and teaching the Word.&nbsp; Throughout his efforts in business and church ministry he has been inspired and motivated by the passion of teachers.&nbsp; Real teachers desire to inspire hope, ignite imagination, and activate an intense desire to know.&nbsp; It is this passion of a teacher that galvanizes Tom to awaken in others the desire to know the Living God &ndash; Jesus Christ &ndash; by personal experience.</p><p>You can find lessons in God&rsquo;s Word, daily encouragement in praying for America, and a Creation Science blog at www.ginoskohouse.com.</p>