<p>Therese Arkenberg has done her best to earn that checkered work history so popular in writers’ biographies. She’s worked at a library and as a cashier at a craft store, been a philosophy tutor and volunteer income tax preparer, and interned at two international nonprofits. She makes her home to Wisconsin, where she serves as co-president on the boards of two local organizations, runs an editing business, reads almost too much, and writes.</p>
<p>Her work has appeared in <em>Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Daily Science Fiction, Crossed Genres, Analog, Ares</em>, and the anthologies <em>Thoughtcrime Experiments</em> and <em>Sword and Sorceress XXIV</em>. She writes science fiction, fantasy, and the occasional love story. Some of her darker work has been described, to her surprise and secret pleasure, as horror.</p>