About the author

D. Othniel Forte

<p> The author is an educator, folklorist, writer and social&nbsp;commentator. He has written extensively on Liberia and other&nbsp;social issues. His work experiences and years of travel have added an<br /> extra dimension to his works. He is passionate for his native land&nbsp;and preserving its history, cultures, and traditions.<br /> His education covers several disciplines and he actively promotes&nbsp;the New Liberia concept of a mental revolution. He is the founder&nbsp;of the Liberia GiveBack Project and he heads the newly establish&nbsp;Liberian think tank Everything Liberia&nbsp;http://othnieldf.wix.com/everythingliberia)<br /> He currently resides in Asia with his family where he works as an&nbsp;educator and continues to dedicate his time to writing.</p>