About the author

Zak Yates

From a professional dancer/choreographer to a self-published author. I was a professional dancer for almost 18 years, travelling around the world, a dance teacher with my own studios, and a choreographer for various stage plays and television shows. One day, it was time for a change. While studying an Access course for higher education, the lockdown of 2020 happened, and the course stopped. I wanted to continue sitting at my desk to get myself prepared for potential uni life, so I started writing. I would wake up with the sunrise and join the 5am writer’s club, sitting there with my pot of coffee to get myself going. Before I knew it, I would have written 3000-5000 words before 8am. With the help from my husband Alex, who was also in the middle of writing his first book too, all the edits and re-writes were complete. I published The Factory within 3 months of starting it. 2020 really through its challenges at many people, including myself, with job changes, money worries, plus many more, but I kept ongoing and ploughed myself into starting another book. This time, though, I wanted to write a full-length novel to say that I had done it. I really enjoying writing and it has helped me refocus my creativity into a new passion. I would encourage anyone to take it up and make that first step. You just never know where and what it may lead to.