About the author

Becki Willis

<p>Becki Willis, best known for her popular The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series and Forgotten Boxes, always dreamed of being an author. In November of &#39;13, that dream became a reality. Since that time, she has published numerous books, won first place honors for Best Mystery Series, Best Suspense Fiction, Best Paranormal Fiction and Best Audio Book, won a RONE Award, and has introduced her imaginary friends to readers around the world.&nbsp;<br> <br> An avid history buff, Becki likes to poke around in old places and learn about the past. Other addictions include reading, writing, junking, unraveling a good mystery, and coffee. She loves to travel, but believes coming home to her family and her Texas ranch is the best part of any trip. Becki is a member of the Association of Texas Authors, Writer&rsquo;s League of Texas, Sisters in Crime, the National Association of Professional Women, and the Brazos Writers organization. She attended Texas A&amp;M University and majored in Journalism.&nbsp;<br> <br> You can connect with her at http://www.beckiwillis.com/ and<br> http://www.facebook.com/beckiwillis.ccp?ref=hl. Better yet, email her at beckiwillis.ccp@gmail.com. She loves to hear from readers and encourages feedback!&nbsp;<br> <br> <br> Here&#39;s what readers are saying about Becki and her books:<br> &quot;This is an awesome new author with a strong voice! This was a great read with tons of suspense and great character development. I highly recommend you read this author!&quot;...<br> &quot;The best new series available.&quot;... &quot;Full of twists and the best love story revealed in ages. Loved it!&quot;...&quot;I should know better than to start one of Becki&#39;s books at bedtime. So hard to stop in the middle!&quot;...&quot;I loved every line of every page!!!&quot;</p>