About the author

Darnell Brown

<p>Darnell Brown is a distinguished&nbsp;entrepreneur, brand coach, content creator, writer, speaker, and designer. Born in Chicago, IL and currently residing in North Carolina, he&rsquo;s been honing his craftsmanship in the visual and literary arts ever since the age of 5. Empowered by The Great Recession of 2008, he catapulted into the graphic design freelance industry as a self-employed asset serving the needs of over 100 clients of all sizes. Within a few years, his brand equity grew considerably, as he helped two tech startups raise over $2M in investment capital between 2011-2013, by producing engaging content and irresistible designs. He most recently founded Nelly Bloom, a lifestyle clothing brand that helps people share their dopest stories and beliefs in bite-sized fashion. These days, he spends his time meditating, practicing yoga, devouring books and becoming more mindful and centered, both personally and professionally.</p>