Peter Mason is tortured at school, neglected at home, and trapped in a body that's his worst enemy.
EVOLVED PUBLISHING PROUDLY PRESENTS the story of one boy's struggle with Cerebral Palsy, a condition that makes him a pariah among his peers and …
Also by Michael J. Mason Ph.D....
Peter Mason Chronicles
About the author
Michael J. Mason Ph.D.
Challenged from Birth
Dr. Michael Mason was born in 1950 and raised in New York City. While he enjoyed the privilege of being raised by affluent parents, Dr. Mason was born with cerebral palsy during a time in which awareness for the needs of the differently abled was virtually non-existent.
Rising against the Obstacles
Despite the hardships he faced, Dr. Mason molded himself into an extraordinary student, obtaining two masters degrees from Columbia University and a PhD from New York University. Dr. Mason went on to become a successful psychologist, devoting his career to improving the lives of both the disabled and the able-bodied alike. His story will inspire and give hope to all who read it.