About the author

James Edwards

Pastor James Edwards is the Founding Pastor of Transforming Faith Christian Center in Houston, Texas. His challenging life journey was all a part of the process to usher him into the calling God has on his life. James was born in Florence, Alabama. Throughout his childhood, he faced numerous challenges including poverty, abuse, neglect and fatherlessness. He began to equate his self-worth with the unfortunate cards he was dealt in life and made the decision to sell drugs as a teenager. <br><br>​​​​​​​Eventually, he faced the consequences of his decisions. He was convicted and sentenced to 96 months in federal prison. After 18 months of incarceration, James had a spiritual awakening. He began to question his purpose in life. In that instant, the move of God encompassed his entire being. His quest for Biblical and spiritual knowledge became an obsession. The process of transformation was strenuous, complex and downright painful. James describes it as a crucifixion (dying to himself) and a resurrection (being raised up by God). <br><br>​​​​​​​Upon release from prison, James was determined to pursue his God-given purpose in life. Within a few years, he became nationally recognized as a motivational speaker, known as The Most Valuable Motivator. He relocated to Houston, TX and traveled the United States sharing his life experiences and challenges as a catalyst to transform the lives of others. During this time, he also authored his first book, “The D.E.A. Will Transform Your Life: A Guide to Mental Transformation”. Although his gift of speaking allowed him to mix and mingle with some of society’s most prominent people, deep down James knew that he had much more than his life story to share. He knew his passion for Christ was the core of his being and the foundation of his life. <br><br>​​​​​​​Four years into motivational speaking, while on the road to an engagement, James heard the voice of God that said, "Son, people will continue to limit you, label you, and put a lid on your potential until you reveal the 5 different people who are screaming to come out of you. You are a Visionary. You are the Epitome of Transformation. You are the Encourager of Encouragers. You are an Innovator and a Faith Giant." Then God gave James the name for his ministry. From this revelation, Transforming Faith was birthed. <br><br>​​​​​​​In 2014, James met his wife, Mrs. Tiffaney Edwards. Her purpose intertwined with his vision, and she assisted in the birthing of Transforming Faith Christian Center and continues to uplift and support Pastor James’ vision. Together they counsel couples through their marriage ministry, Grace &amp; Truth. They believe that truth, trust, and transparency gives hope to those who are desperate for transformation and restora?tion. Pastor James continues to live boldly in truth and freedom. His life is a true testament that God can take our tragedies and turn them into triumphs