About the author

JoAnne Helfert Sullam

<p>Born in Brooklyn, New York, JoAnne Helfert-Sullam is a professional artist who specializes in animal and landscape art. JoAnne is an advocate for conservation, an author and producer who writes, lectures and films both wild and domestic animals.&#160;Committed to her cause, she has been featured in The New York Times, Who&#8217;s Who in America, Art Business News, and Polo Players Magazines. Ms. Sullam is no stranger to television and film, having worked on the Martha Stewart Show; and has interviewed personalities such as Richard Gere, Bobby Kennedy Jr. and concert pianist/animal activist, Helene Grimaud. Additionally, JoAnne has had the pleasure of working with Academy Award-winning actress Melissa Leo and Jim Fowler of Omaha&#8217;s Wild Life Kingdom. JoAnne has spoken at special events including The&#160;Salmagundi Art Club, Yellowstone Park, as well as numerous schools and nature centers.&#160;JoAnne is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, animal handler, and consultant. She currently resides in Hudson Valley, New York.</p><p/>