About the author

Kiersten Hall

<p>Kiersten Hall is a 12-year speaker/presenter, 27-year comedienne-in-hiding, 30-year entrepreneur, 34-year salesperson, lifelong 'wanderlust.' In 2020, she will become an 'empty-nester' after 27 years of children in the house and is already planning her escape via several literary events, designed to keep her busy (and out of trouble.)<br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; Notice the same number of years for both the in-house children and the comedic outlook on life. Coincidence?<br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; To date, Kiersten has four published books with another five 'in the works' for 2020/21. Much like her varied interests, she tends to write about whatever piques her curiosity, giving her the ability to share her stories with all ages, across several different genres.<br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; <br/>&#13; <strong>Contributions:</strong><br/>&#13; 2017: Guest blog found @ https://www.foxpointepublishing.com/make-me-laugh<br/>&#13; 2019: Kiersten has a short story and dessert recipe included in the&#160;May 2019 release of 'Cooked to Death, Volume IV': A crime &amp; foodie anthology filled with 'delicious' crimes and recipes &#8216;to die for!&#8217;</p>