About the author

Jackson Baer

<p>I&rsquo;m a professional thrifter who is happily married, the father of four children, and an avid runner. I was born and raised in Georgia, and spent time in Oklahoma, California, Connecticut, and then Oregon, as an adult. I&rsquo;m a graduate of Oregon State University and now reside in North Georgia, raising my family, near family.</p> <p>My first book,&nbsp;<em>The Earth Bleeds Red</em>, was released in 2013. I took a few years off from writing to start my own business, and my second book,&nbsp;<em>The Lights Will Never Fade</em>, came out in Jan 2018. My new contemporary suspense/thriller series,&nbsp;<em>An American Family</em>, is coming in the fall of 2018 from Evolved Publishing.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m a bit of a free spirit who enjoys working from home, traveling around, looking for treasures to share, and creating worlds that otherwise would not exist. Thrifting and writing are my two passions, and I&rsquo;m fortunate to be able to do both.</p>