Also by Dennis Jernigan...

Daily Devotions For Kingdom Seekers

The World of Bren



Parkinson's & Recreation

About the author

Dennis Jernigan

Known primarily for his worship songs like You Are My All In All, Thank You, We Will Worship The Lamb of Glory, and Who Can Satisfy My Soul (There is a Fountain), Dennis Jernigan loves writing of all kinds. He is the author of several children’s books, two fantasy series for young readers, and many non-fiction books.

Dennis left a life of confusion over his identity in 1981 and takes great joy in sharing the grace and love of God with any who desire freedom in their own lives.

He and his wife Melinda have been married over 30 years and make their home in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Together, they raised nine children and are joyfully welcoming an ever-growing brood of grandchildren.

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