<p>A lifetime avid reader, I love creating worlds where anything is possible. Always with an element of the paranormal my stories end with a happily-ever-after. I live in Central Oregon, a very short drive to the Cascade Mountains in one direction, and a short drive to the desert in the other direction.. <br />
If you enjoyed Ella and Evan’s story please leave a review where you bought the book. Writers like to know what you like, and don’t like about their stories.<br />
I am in an anthology of short stories “Love & Magick”, with two other authors. My first witch story “The Crystal Witch” is in the anthology. Check it out and discover two more really good authors.<br />
You can reach me at the following places:<br />
Website: dianamccollum.weebly.com <br />
Facebook: https://facebook.com/dianamccollumauthor/<br />
Twitter: @Dianasuemcc</p>