About the author

Miriam Allenson

<p>Award-winning author Miriam Allenson writes about smart-mouthed women and the men who love them. (She&#8217;s been told she&#8217;s a little smart-mouthed herself.)</p><p>Miriam &#160;took a dog&#8217;s age and then some to publish her first book, FOR THE LOVE OF THE DAME. She cut the time it took her to write her next book, A DUKE FOR DESSERT, in half and she reduced it by half again in writing WHEN THE DUKE FINDS HIS HEART. She apologizes for being so slow. &#160;</p><p>When Miriam is not working on a book&#8212;which is almost never&#8212;she&#8217;s in the kitchen baking something, gardening on her &#8220;huge&#8221; 8&#8217;x4&#8217; deck, or adding one more character to her 400+ Pez collection. She likes licorice but not chocolate, polenta more than pizza, and baseball any day over football.</p><p>Miriam lives in northern New Jersey with her fabulous, supportive husband, Andy. One day they&#8217;re going to take a cruise around the world. She&#8217;ll still take her laptop with her. &#160;</p><p>Visit Miriam at miriamallenson.com or her Facebook account, facebook.com/msallenson. &#160;</p><p/>