About the author

Bella De La Rocher

Bella De La Rocher first catapulted herself onto the literary scene with her seminal novel, ‘Most of a Novel’, famous not only for its sentences but also the fact that she published it before finishing it.&nbsp;<p>That novel stars Chauncy Nathaniel Swanston, a man whom manages to be both fictional and factual at once. He’s unreal yet corporal. He’s an essence yet he’s bodily. He’s also got a chiwawa called Sadie [please note spelling of chiwawa is a deliberate style choice] and she is his closest friend and confidante.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Despite being constantly kept at arms length by the literary establishment, De La Rocher is forging her own path as one of the most successful self-published writers living in the outskirts of Doncaster.&nbsp;</p><p>As well as being writer, Bella also has a flair for both the visual and auditory arts, often astounding her Twitter fans with her avante garde filmmaking and improvised keyboard playing.</p>When she’s not following her creative impulses, Bella enjoys staring at her lava lamps, pigeon photography, and awakening other people’s kundalini’s as a surprise.&nbsp;<br>