About the author


<p>My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.</p><p>I grew up&#160;in&#160;Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.&#160;<br/>&#13; I attended Bible college having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course&#160;of Study and graduating as Valedictorian (Magna Cum Laude).</p><p>Studying and&#160;teaching the word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.&#160;</p><p>Recently, I have decided to start to publish many of the teachings that have&#160;been a part of a weekly series in the spiritual category of my local newspaper. I also have a website for my published books. &#160;</p><p>My desire is for those readers to discover their&#160;own spiritual&#160;journey and&#160;develop a new way of thinking.&#160;This new way of thinking is&#160;contained in God's Word, and it is applied in all of my&#160;writings.</p><p>You can find out more about my teachings and published books at http://bit.ly/1RQnYJ8</p>