About the author

Kimberly Griggs

I'm a story-teller at heart. Whether sharing about my&nbsp;latest grocery trip or about the characters in my&nbsp;head, I'm&nbsp;committed to&nbsp;all&nbsp;the details—much to my&nbsp;husband's dismay. Fortunately, he's a good sport!<br>As a fourth-grade student, I&nbsp;wrote my&nbsp;first romance&nbsp;story in which the hero died in a motorcycle accident, and his girlfriend vowed to love him forever. My&nbsp;teacher thought the subject matter was a little heavy for a ten-year old girl, but my&nbsp;zeal&nbsp;for a good story wouldn't be deterred.&nbsp;​<br>Many years later, after the birth of my&nbsp;second son, I&nbsp;picked up where I'd left off, devouring books at alarming rates and longing to write one myself. I&nbsp;penned several stories in secret notebooks and hidden computer files until finally I&nbsp;finished one. One turned into two and two into three, until writing became more than a hobby. With so many characters and plot ideas in my&nbsp;head, I can't wait to share them all with the world.&nbsp;​<br>When I'm&nbsp;not writing, you can find me making music, watching a story on the big screen, and of course, reading as many books as my&nbsp;schedule will allow. I'm living my&nbsp;own personal romance story with my&nbsp;wonderful husband of 20+ years. We&nbsp;have&nbsp;two wild and crazy sons, as well as two dogs that think they're humans. Can’t forget the bunny, Jax! I&nbsp;live in North Georgia.