About the author

Nick Gamis

<p>It&#39;s hard to beat a good story told with the right words. This is as true for articles as it is books. I&#39;ve done plenty of both. By the numbers my background includes over 300 published articles in websites, magazines, papers, poems, and journals, about 200 product reviews (for e-commerce and others), 7 published e-books (for different clients), and now web writer and blogger. That&#39;s more than 20 years of professional writing.</p> <p>As a writer and editor, I focus on producing a readable, high quality end product that you can be proud of having your name on. As a ghostwriter experienced in producing everything from full length fiction to SEO copy and e-books, you can trust me to hit exactly the right tone for your project.</p> <p>Some of my customers have been with me for a long time. I&rsquo;m looking for freelance roles and not a full time position; if you think I can fill a space for you, let&rsquo;s talk.</p>