About the author

Michael Williams

<p>Over the Past twenty five years, Michael Williams has written a number of strange novels, from the early Weasel&rsquo;s Luck and Galen Beknighted in the best-selling Dragonlance series to the more recent lyrical and experimental Arcady, singled out for praise by Locus and Asimov&rsquo;s magazines.&nbsp; In Trajan&rsquo;s Arch, his eleventh novel, stories fold into stories and a boy grows up with ghostly mentors, and the recent published Vine mingles Greek tragedy and urban legend, as a local dramatic production&nbsp; in a small city goes humorously, then horrifically, awry.&nbsp; Trajan&rsquo;s Arch and Vine are two of the books in William&rsquo;s highly anticipated City Quartet, to be joined in 2018 by Dominic&rsquo;s Ghosts and Tattered Men.&nbsp; Williams was born in Louisville, Ky, and spent much of his childhood in the south central part of the state, the red &ndash; dirt gothic home of the Appalachian foothills and stories of Confederate gorillas.&nbsp;&nbsp; Through good luck and a roundabout journey he made his way through New England, New York, Wisconsin, Britian, and Ireland, and has ended up less than where he began.&nbsp; He has a Ph.D in Humanities, and teaches at the University of Louisville, where he focuses on the Modern Fantastic in fiction and film. He is married to Rhonda Williams and they have two grown sons.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>