About the author

Stephy Dewar

<p>Website:&nbsp; stephydewar.co.uk<br><br></p>Do take a look at my website, it's filled with all things Merrievian! <br><br>This is a tale I've wanted to write for many years, although work and life have been in the way. Finally I've completed the first trilogy, although having created my world, I can see there are many more tales to come. <br><br> I've drawn from my own Western European legends and myths because this is my heritage and it's what I'm comfortable with, it's where my heart lies. I've tried to maintain the accuracy of a pre-gunpowder age, nominally termed 'medieval'. <br><br>I also wanted to experiment with relationships. When a group of people have lived, worked and faced death together, they become close. My group decided to become very close, a family. (Just how <em>do</em> you balance out a love trienagle?<strong></strong><br><br>As for me - married for oh, lots of years, two wonderful grown up daughters, works with husband in accountancy practice, prefers to write. I enjoy cooking too, mum taught me well, along with gardening and photography. I'm also an avid pc rpg gamer - you'll find an easter egg or two devoted to my favourite games hidden in the books, a nod to the fun and giggles over the years. (I tried hard not to mention the infamous arrow to the knee, but a variation slipped in ... I humbly apologise). The music too - so inspirational. <br><br>I live in a beautiful area of Lancashire, on the edge of the Ribble Valley, a few miles from the mysterious Pendle hill of the witches’ fame. Pendle Hill and the wonderful works of Tolkien have greatly inspired my writing. <br><br>You could take a look at my photos up on Flickr, Stephy Dewar.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; https://www.flickr.com/photos/67926884@N05/ If you Google stephy dewar you'll find lots of my photos come up in the search! <br><br>Also my Pinterest boards - full of fantasy, magic and mythology, plus a couple of boards just for fun. A mixed set, a bit like life really ... and my books.<br>https://www.pinterest.co.uk/stephydewar/ <br><br>You'll find my garden on Flickr too, and if you look on my Facebook page - Stephy Dewar - you'll see the greenhouse I call Rivendell. <br><br> I'm probably just a sad romantic, but I've lived with and loved the same guy for over forty years and you know, life can be filled with romance. I still say a beautiful sunset is no sunset at all without Ian to share it with me. <br><p><br><br></p>