About the author

Aline d'Arbrant

<p><strong>Aline d'Arbrant</strong>&#160;(1952-2017) is the foundress of Gynarchy.</p><p>&#160;It is the&#160;<em>SCUM Manifesto</em>&#160;which will inspire her essay&#160;<em>The Gynarchy</em>&#160;which will in turn become an international best seller.</p><p>Eighteen short stories and a dozen novels will follow, all describing women, couples, families, societies or gynarchist worlds.&#160;<strong>Aline d'Arbrant</strong>&#160;also wanted to promote certain famous or forgotten titles: first some short stories by&#160;<strong>L&#233;opold Sacher-Masoch</strong>, then her famous Venus in fur, of which she will make an amusing gynarchic reading that will conclude with humor her Letters from Saphine to Wanda, then&#160;<strong>B&#233;rang&#232;re</strong>'s novel&#160;<em>Josiane and her slave</em>.</p><p><strong>&#160; Aline d'Arbrant</strong>&#160;is the founder of the&#160;<strong>Gynarchy International</strong>&#160;association under french law (law of 1901) which aims to "<em>make known the ideas and the gynarchist theories, as described in particular in the works of Aline d'Arbrant, in France, in Europe and throughout the world; to act at all levels to assert the exclusively non-venal gynarchist aspirations and, in general, to promote a preponderant position of women in the private, social and political life of all countries; develop a politico-social project based on female predominance and capable of responding to the challenges facing the world today; contribute to the creation of gynarchist micro-societies that can serve as models of society for states and humanity whole; to federate all the organizations which, across the planet, are dedicated to female supremacy and to women's access to positions of political, industrial and financial power; to fund and organize events, meetings, exhibitions relating to its objects; encourage the creation of think tanks to propose solutions to common gynarchist problems of interest to members; manage a civil real estate company whose buildings and land, owned or rented, could be used by its members in compliance with the objects of the association and its possible internal regulations."</em></p>