About the author

Beth Chaisson

Hello, my name is Beth Chaisson.<br><br>I've been interested in writing ever since I used to write poetry in elementary school. Unfortunately, I don't have any copies of those early pieces of writing anymore.<br><br>When I was in High School, I moved to write stories. I tried to write romances but unfortunately that didn't work out for me, after a few failed attempts with a few stories I decided to move to science fiction and I seemed to have a knack for it... the stories still were not good enough to be published but they were much better than my romance stories.<br><br>One thing I definitely learned is writing is like physical work. What I mean by that is the more you do a physical job, the better you will be at the job. You will develop both muscle memory and psychological memory. The same is with writing. The more you do it, the better you will become, though the person must want to do it.<br><br>For us fictional writers and bookworms, I really believe one reason we enjoy books is because it is a ticket to the imaginary world, it's a cheaper way for us to go anywhere we want and do whatever we want without getting hurt (we can not do that in the real world), and the best part of all is when we come back home it takes less than a second.<br><br>You who just read this last paragraph just found out why I am a bookworm and have been my whole life. I am the cheapest traveler on planet earth because I do all my traveling in books. If I go traveling for real most of the time, it is to visit family in Louisiana or friends in North Carolina. Otherwise, I am some place else in a book or writing a book. <br>