About the author

T.N. Baldwin

T.N. Baldwin is a new Australian author who dreamed of writing a novel when he was a tiny boy in primary school. As a tiny man, he made several unsuccessful attempts over the years. Then, one fateful day (October 14th, 2018) he woke with an idea that might have an outside chance of resolving itself into a novel. He began writing that day. Four months later, he completed his first draft. Fifteen drafts later, he had the first novel ready to go. And The Magicium Series was born… An English/Drama teacher in his other life, he has lived and taught on three continents. These experiences have broadened the horizons of the boy who grew up in western NSW and Queensland in Australia. Today he lives in NSW with his wife and children – along with two dogs he pretends not to like. In his spare time he plays football and cricket, directs plays and listens to hard rock music.&nbsp;<em>Discoveries</em>&nbsp;is his first novel and his second,&nbsp;<em>Disruptions</em>&nbsp; was released in July, 2020. He is hoping to release a third novel, ‘Disciples’, by Christmas 2020.