About the author

Quraisha Dawood

<p>Dr Quraisha Dawood is a South African sociologist and writer. She has been published in the anthology, Belly of Fire, the Readers Digest, Irtiqa Magazine, the Al-Qalam, the Sunday Tribune, the Al Ummah, Riding the Samoosa Express and more recently, Saffron: A collection of narratives&#160;from Muslim women. In 2016, she received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, which led her to launch Write on Q, an academic editing business that also sought to enhance the writing skills of high school learners. She is currently a research manager for a private&#160;higher education institution. When she isn't writing or reading, Quraisha chases sunrises on the Golden Mile, and does Netflix marathons with her family.&#160;</p>